Overall information

We offer a wide selec­tion of Span­ish and oth­er Mediter­ranean prod­ucts and work with spe­cial­ized inter­na­tion­al freight for­warders.

Our selec­tion ranges from wine, oils, sausages, cheese and much more. We deliv­er all the­se goods via freight for­warders to your address. Even frozen prod­ucts such as fish and seafood can get sent spe­cial­ly.

Claims of low­er prices from man­u­fac­tur­ers in Spain are very often not worth it, and order­ing your goods through Andupez can save a lot of bureau­crat­ic out­lay as well as stor­age costs.

Ordering process

  1. If you are a reg­is­tered cus­tomer, please send us your order via email or fax.
    2. We process your order and will get back to you regard­ing avail­abil­i­ty. This usu­al­ly only takes a few hours.
    3. Upon receipt of your pay­ment, we send the goods togeth­er with the cor­re­spond­ing cus­toms doc­u­ments direct­ly via a ship­ping company.Your deliv­ery would arrive with­in a cou­ple of days.

Requirements and minimum orders

In case you are inter­est­ed in our prod­ucts, how­ev­er not yet a cus­tomer, we require proof of your trade as well as VAT reg­is­tra­tion num­ber. You can send this to us via fax or e-mail.

The min­i­mum order is only 500 euros of goods net val­ue (quan­ti­ty per pal­let). This does not include the ship­ping costs.

Transport costs/collection

You can either pick up the goods at our ware­house in Berlin or arrange your own ship­ping. We are hap­py to take care of the trans­port for you. Ship­ping costs depend on the weight of the pal­let, your dis­tance from Berlin as well as on the type of goods that your ordered (frozen or not).

The trans­port cost may vary con­sid­er­ably depend­ing on your coun­try of orig­in. Please con­tact us and we will then send you a detailed offer.

Our order con­fir­ma­tion / pro­for­ma invoice list the trans­port costs sep­a­rate­ly. We try to keep them as low as pos­si­ble.

Prices and payment

All our prices are net prices ex Andupez. For larg­er orders of indi­vid­u­al goods, please con­tact us, so we can make you a sep­a­rate offer.

The first three orders have to be paid in advance (via bank trans­fer).

If you are sat­is­fied with our ser­vice and order more reg­u­lar­ly, we can try to pro­tect you through our cred­it insur­ance. Pro­vid­ed the cred­it insur­ance assures you, we can offer you 30 days of pay­ment terms.

Products and availability

If you are already a reg­is­tered cus­tomer, we can, upon request, send you our cur­rent pdf price list which is updat­ed reg­u­lar­ly. In addi­tion, you will always receive a pro­for­ma invoice pri­or to deliv­ery or pick up, where you can dou­ble check your order as well as prices.

We try to keep suf­fi­cient quan­ti­ties in stock of our prod­ucts. How­ev­er, due to deliv­ery prob­lems, new vin­tages, etc. this is not always pos­si­ble. If this is the case, we will con­tact you imme­di­ate­ly, so you can can­cel or mod­i­fy your order.