Andupez — Your Spanish wholesaler

New products

Spanisch Madeleines

We offer span­ish Madeleines from Are­nas in var­i­ous shapes and flavours. Filled with choco­late, with coconut flavour, with but­ter as well as the famous madeleines “valen­cianas”.

Greek olives and sundried tomatoes

Dis­cov­er our new Greek prod­ucts. Kala­mata olives (pit­ted also avail­able), Chalkidiki green olives, green olives “for Heroes” as well as nat­u­ral­ly sun dried toma­toes in oil.

Pouco Comun Alvar­inho

This Por­tugue­se Alvar­in­ho impress­es with fruity aro­mas, good acid­i­ty and a long fin­ish. The slight sparkle pro­vides the wine with a won­der­ful fresh­ness. An excep­tion­al Por­tugue­se white wine!

Red wine from Tenerife

Isleño is a young, fresh wine with a well-bal­anced acid­i­ty. The region­al vine Listán pro­vides the wine plen­ty of fruit fla­vors as well as a slight min­er­al­i­ty. A soft, pleas­ing red wine with a slight […]